Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How Does One Become Extraordinary?

I am amazed again and again by these child prodigies I keep running across on youtube. I just listened to a 5 year old play a song so beautiful it made me want to cry. I can only imagine how far a gifted child could go in life. It makes me wonder though what makes a child or a person in general so extraordinary? Is talent like that born into a person? I wish I could go back and make my childhood self be good at something, to excel at something rather. I wonder if I had been truly gifted in one area where I would be now. I think I limit myself with my own brain most of the time and don't trust myself enough to excel. If I had one dream I would want to come true I would want to be a National Geographic Photographer. I would want to capture life and images of the world and have them published and acknowledged by millions.

For me being ordinary isn't good enough. I know I was made for bigger and better things than being an ordinary person. I know I'm no prodigy but I know this ordinary life I'm living isn't how it will always be. I understand that some people are comfortable to blend in and just live an average simple life, but I just can't see myself being in those shoes forever. Right now my life seems so average but on the inside of me it's a whirlwind of dreams and goals and plans that have yet to unfold. I want to live an extraordinary life. When my life is ended I want to be able to rest knowing I've done everything I wanted and that I have lived out the calling God has on my life. I feel like a slug who wants to run a marathon. haha! I feel like I cant get things moving fast enough to get where I want to be.

This life is something else...never a dull emotional moment with me. I feel like i'm on a roller coaster all the time. I can only look forward to my future. I see so much hope and I just hope I don't let myself down. Above is a picture of the list i started tonight....a list of things I will complete before I die. :) I have a lot more to add to it


Alaythea said...

I totally agree - I see myself in a much bigger, more extraordinary life yet I don't know how to even begin to make it happen or what exactly would make it happen for me. I feel so talentless....I don't feel like there is anything I'm just super great at. There are things I'm ok at but nothing that, to me, makes me special in any way. I'm so afraid I'll be like 60 and looking back and realize what I'm doing now is all I've done and that scares me....
