Sunday, February 21, 2010

Too Little Time

My liver hurts. At least that part is over now, Sarah's birthday was a blast though. The Black Eyes Peas rocked out in Charlotte last night. However, the sound at the very top of the arena was bad. Boo for expensive tickets with poor sound quality. I arrived in Rutherfordton and I got to see Seth & Lauren - got to see my husband - got to see my Uncle - got to see my Nanny & Grandaddy too. It's been quite an exhausting day. I just wish I could stay here for another 2 weeks. I'm headed to my other half's house in a bit....I can't wait. I really want to be enthusiastic but I'm so drained I probably will fail at that majorly. I cried my eyes out when my sister left. Gosh we have been so much on the same page it's weird. I feel a lot closer to her now. Such a bitter-sweet day. This is such a boring blog. I'll say something better later.


Alaythea said...

I'm sorry your livers hurts, have you had it checked? I hope you can perk up soon and enjoy the rest of your stay. I do hope I get to see you before you leave, even if you only swing by for a minute or two! Let me know!

Plain & Simply Complicated said...

haha...that was just an expression to say i drank way too much
