Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 2 of P90x

I STARTED p90x!!!! Yesturday was my first work out and today I feel it all over. I did the core synergistcs video first. Today is cardio and ab ripper. It's nice to be sore, I'm not so sure I'll like the feeling in a few days from now concidering I'm working out every day this week. I'm very thankful for the book I mentioned in my last blog, it was the extra boost I needed to get me off my butt and to quit making excuses.

I've got a few days off to get some stuff done around the house, and in town. I'm going to read all day tomorrow, I'd like to finish that book. We have a meeting for our business tomorrow night as well. I'm excited, Jamie and I have branched out in faith to try our wings at something new. Hopefully we will be able to generate cash and make some extra money. Well this is a short blog, I dont have much to say.

= ] bye bye

