Sunday, June 27, 2010


I have decided to take the lemons I've been handed and make lemonade. I know there is so much more I can do to make my own quality of life, and that of my husband, better. I've spend the past couple weeks hurting, crying, seeking answers to questions that are far beyond my reach only to realize that I can do nothing about it. I'm only hurting myself by staying so upset about everything. I've started reading the book 'The Magic of Thinking BIG' and it's already changing the way I see myself and others. Even more so it is changing how I want to react to situations in life and the type of attitude I want to have. I've always been more on the pessimistic side of life and I never have liked it. I know it's not natural for my personality type to be super upbeat when things get rough, but who's to say I can't change me. I'm at the point now where I don't want to look at things and say "I can't" or give excuses for why something can't be done. I know it's not going to happen over night but I'm ready to begin doing a remodeling on my heart and attitude. I'm ready to stop looking at ministry like it's a mountain I can't climb, and stop thinking that I'll never really open the photography studio I want so badly. I'm going to speak my goals and trust God with the rest. All this stuff I've known and heard before but I never cared enough to put forth the effort to make the changes in myself. For 23 years I've allowed negative thoughts to take ground over positive ones, but starting now I've got a new outlook. I'm writing scriptures and positive sayings on 3x5 cards and putting them in my house in random places to encourage me.

I'm DONE sulking and letting the bad situations around me bring me down. I'm DONE feeling sorry for myself. I'm DONE sitting at home making excuses for everything I'm not getting done. Monday [a.k.a. tomorrow] I'm starting p90x. No more excuses. I'm going to think positive and push through and make a difference in my health. I'm not going to think about how much better it would be if I had a partner to do it with, or if I had someone to help me with my diet plan or if I didn't have asthma. No more excuses. NONE. I'm not going to spend the rest of my life living only 50% of the time. I want to enjoy and get the most out of my life 100% of the time. Instead of thinking I can't, I'm going to think of how I can.

"The right attitude and one arm will beat the wrong attitude and two arms every time"

