Friday, March 19, 2010

Inspired [for the moment at least]

I spent today taking care Zoe, Ashley's daughter...Ashley being my friend Matt's girlfriend! Zoe is quite a character; very serious for a 3 year old. Matt & Ashley are expecting their own little boy in July. I can't wait to do his infant pictures. Anyways, today was fun. We went to the park, shared a grape fruit, and I got to take pictures for the first time since I left NC. --- I'm also pretty stoked because tomorrow I have an interview for a job at Starbucks. I worked there in 2006 and loved it and I certainly wouldn't mind that job for the time being. I'm on a year wait for the Coast Guard...apparently NO active duty is being signed in right now. They are doing me a "professional courtesy" and allowing me to go to Meps and take the test to see if I am qualified for the military. It's just a waiting game now. It's just been an all around good day. I'm looking forward to a nice motorcycle ride with Jamie tomorrow afternoon too!! I can't help but smile every time i hop on the bike with him. It's so invigorating and makes me feel as much like a bird as I ever will. I'm going to kick back and enjoy my evening. Give myself a pedicure, have a couple glasses of wine and listen to some good music.

