I'm exasperated! I'm sure most of you know about Craigslist. More like BS-LIST! Tampa Bay is a huge area with plenty of photographers, so how in the world do you get your name out in a place like this? I started putting up photo shoot for trade adds. To me, it was a way to trade my photography skills in order to acquire things i need in my house. My portfolio is suffering! I haven't had anyone to photograph in a long time. However, I guess everyone on craigslist really has no social life and wants to create a lot of drama instead of trade. Not one person has pulled through and completed the trade they contacted me for. It's slightly upsetting. I just want to practice, i need new stuff for my portfolio. I don't know anyone down here...I don't know how to get my name out. I've sent out emails to a handful of excellent photographers in the area asking if I could help in their studio for FREE just to get some experience and learn. I guess they think its a joke, who in this economy is willing to work for free other than myself? I would feel good about myself if I could help someone out who cant afford a photographer...honestly I wouldn't even need anything in return because the practice is more important to me. *deep breath*
Oh, I think we are going to buy that little place. OK fine, it's a trailer. Wow, I said it. good thing that's over with. I have an issue with the word and what it implies. I think in many people's head trailer = trashy. whatever. It's perfect for our needs in life right now. I'm feeling self conscious right now. Wait, what?!! Why do I even feel that way. I guess I feel like I'll be judged for living in a trailer. Maybe because for too long I've looked at trailers and those who lived in them with judgemental opinions. STUPID narrow minded me. What you live in doesn't reflect who you are. Or even how much money is in your bank account for that matter. [I'm saying all this for my benefit i think] But all in all, I'm thrilled. This is a big step for us. I think if this is what we decide to do that by the end of the week things will be set in motion. We will be moved by April 1st.
The highlight of my day [other than smooching my hubby] was spending almost 6 hours non-stop painting my mom a belated Christmas gift. I guess it can be a Valentines gift as well. It's AWESOME! I'll post a picture once I give it to her. I miss those two girls at the top. I miss home. Can't wait till I get to visit! It's almost 1am. Wow, thats odd. Where did my day go? Good night
Thursday, February 11, 2010
What a Joke!
Posted by Plain & Simply Complicated at 12:27 AM
Labels: craigslist
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Well, I grew up in a trailer, honey. In Alabama!!! Lol! Now if that won't get judgements I don't know what will and I feel like I turned out fairly sophisticated! Lol! There are nice trailers, and there are trashy trailers! You have to choose which one you will be! A trailer isn't a bad starter home especially for two people! And I know it may not help but if you still need some experience taking pictures I'll gladly let you take mine and Gianna's when you are here? I don't know if that helps or not but whatever!!!
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